Thursday Thoughts #10 - 17th Oct 2024

Random Little Nuggets……….

I teach an Earth Healing Course as part of my business, it is so informative with regards to helping the planet and allowing the planet to help us in return. I can’t take the credit for this fabulous course. Yes, I wrote it, but it was actually downloaded to me over the space of a few nights by the beautiful goddess who is Elen of the Ways.

Elen is the keeper of the Ways, the roads and ley lines, sacred paths that run over and under the land. She is the antlered goddess, found in woodlands and around deer trods and known in most communities around the World, although by many different names. She is even referred to within Catholicism as St Helen.

Her downloads offered me the chance to create a fabulous working relationship with Elen, to became a better keeper of the planet and definitely to lower my own carbon footprint with very easy and cost effective changes in my household and life.

The planet cannot continue to survive mankind and its 21st century ways of living, but each and everyone of us can make a difference of some size and I know that when I pass over to my ancestral home, I want to know I did my bit, for the planet, the animal kingdom and all my living relatives.