The Wiccan Lady
Leeds, W. Yorks, LS6 4PU
Tel. 07903 944022
I am a wiccan, hedge witch, brought up with a witchy/psychic twist, it wasn't until 2010 that I realised there was actually a name for my beliefs and practices, after many years of reading and researching, joining group after group, I decided to be a solitary witch and follow my own path, hence the eclectic part, but my immense love of herbs, (I've around 185 in stock) pushes my towards the hedge witch also and what I love about "the old ways" is that as long as I'm responsible for my self and practice and cause no harm to others, I'm free to tweak my path as I see fit. This is a path, not a rule book and we are all different so 1 book isn't going to fit all.
My 2 passions are teaching and crafting and as you will see on the website, I'm lucky enough to be able to do both right here. I sell everything I make and purchase in a very small amount of witch stock items to help all you working witches out there.
Please feel free to email me or contact me on facebook either on my page or in my group and keep a look out for new ideas and stock, free spells and rituals for the sabbats.
I look forward to working with you in the future.
Louise, )O(