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Year 2 Witches School 2024-2025

Year 2 Witches School 2024-2025

from £51.00

2nd Year Face to Face witches school starts on Wednesday 2nd October 2024 and then every 1st Wednesday after that until September 2025

2nd Year Zoom witches school starts on Monday 14th October and then every 2nd Monday after that until September 2025

Class is always 7.30pm-9.30pm (GMT)

The face to face class will now be at Heart Centre, (Headingley Enterprise & Arts Centre) Bennett Rd, Headingley, Leeds LS6 3HN. There is a carpark on site.

You must have been initiated in year 1 to complete this course.

We take a deeper look at other forms of witchcraft, divination, meditation, the use of tools. writing rituals and spell work plus lots more.

Please note that the price per class has gone up £2 a month. This is the first price increase there has ever been for Witches School, but with increasing costs for meeting rooms, paper and ink and even business zoom and electricity, I have had no option but to make a small increase.

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The course is £17 per month and includes the class, handouts and additional time if required. You also receive homework twice a month.

The course is as easy or hard as you choose to make it with students spending as long as they feel like revising and practicing.

At the end of the year you will be invited to take part in an initiation ritual, either face to face as a group or over zoom. Anybody who has completed the full year can be initiated into the Craft, that is your decision to make and students are welcome to take part in the ritual but not be initiated if they chose.

This is a Year 3 class

Although each class is only £17, you will be expected to commit to a 3 month termly payment of £51 in advance or for those who are able, an annual payment option is available too.

How payments work -

!st payment - £51 on booking which covers Oct, Nov, Dec

2nd payment - £51 in November which covers Jan, Feb, March

3rd payment - £51 in February which covers April, May, June

Final payment - £51 in May to cover July, Aug & Sept.

Starting once yearly in October each year - 7.30pm - 9.30pm