Magical Cooking #73 - 5th Feb 2025
Full Moon Recipe
Full Moon Blessing Cakes
Prepare your kitchen and yourself in the usual way before starting your magical cooking. Remember you space should be uncluttered, think about the way you stir your ingredients into the bowl and be in the correct headspace.
You will need:
250g of local honey
3 large eggs
225g of unsalted butter
100g of Muscovado sugar (less if you don’t like stuff too sweet)
300g self raising flour
1tsp of rose water, (it is for its magical properties, not its taste)
and a 20cm cake tin.
Hold the honey jar in your hands and ask the light of the moon to bless the honey in love and light and feminine energy.
Melt the honey, sugar and butter in a pan, stirring deosil, until is runny. Turn up the hear for 1-2 mins to thicken the liquid, but do not burn it. Set aside and allow to cool for 15 mins.
Sift the flour into a bowl.
Grease the cake tin, sides and bottom.
Whisk the eggs and add slowly to the honey mixture, add it all to the flour and stir until totally mixed.
Place in the cake tin and bake for an hour, check around 50 mins to ensure it isn’t burning.
Take out of the oven, allow to cool for 10 mins before removing from the tin.
You can warm another 3tbsp of honey if you want, prick the top of the cake and drizzle it over to moisten the cake further.
Decorate if you want to with things like rose petals or dried lavender flowers. Leave to cool fully and serve cold with any accompaniment to like.
There you have it, a magical Full Moon Blessing Cake.