Magical Things #40 - 4th Dec 2024

What do you consider magical in your life?

We all consider different things to be magical, some like me, consider life to be magical, life and everything that encompasses, the plants we grow, the sun coming up, the families we produce, the friends we make, the seasons, how animals survive the harshest of weather systems and so on.

For others magical may mean specifically their spellcasting or how they celebrate the sabbats and moon cycles only, and for some it may be their own religious belief systems like Christianity, or the Muslim or Jewish faith.

If we look at what magick (with a k) means, that is easier to break down. It is usually the belief within a certain practice that relates to rituals and actions that can influence or manipulate natural and supernatural forces and other beings. Some believe in spellcasting, but not all, some will commune with the dead, gods & goddesses or their own ancestors, some will believe in astrology, divination and/or alchemy. Some may have a special place that they work in, an altar or sacred space and some may not, others will have tools to help focus their magick like a cauldron, a wand, a chalice and lotions and potions, but not all will.

Others may just think that anything that cannot be explained by rational thought or science is magical.

No matter what your belief is, we should all have magic in our life. A simple smile to a stranger can be magical for them, waking up and seeing the sun shining through your window when you are ill or in pain can be magical for you, or having a day of fun and joy with friends or family may be the magical tonic you need.

Life is magical, so embrace it. If you woke up this morning, happy to be here, then magic has occurred already today. xx

Louise )0(

(Photo quote by W.B Yeats)