Magical Numbers #35 - 27th Nov 2024
What are magical numbers?
Do you see a lot of coincidental numbers in your life? Maybe you always wake up at 4.44am for the loo or always happen to check your phone at 1.11pm, if so what does this mean, if anything.
There are special numbers in all things, metaphysical, chemistry, mathematics and physics to name a few, but I’m going to talk about angel numbers or manifesting numbers, however you wish to refer to them.
Did you know the most magical number in the world is ‘137’? I didn’t until recently, but this number is a total enigma that fires the imagination between mystics and scientists alike. The number 13, thought to be unlucky by half the population and very lucky by the other half. Many witches consider 3, 9 and 13 to be very lucky and will often recite spells 3 or 3x3 times to ensure it works.
Numerology is based entirely on numbers and their meanings and this is interesting when you start to work out your birth number and the relevance it ha to the person you are, mine is far more accurate than my astrology star signs ever are.
How do we find our birth number? It is always a single digit and you can work it out by adding up all the digits in your birthdate - if you were born on 2nd February 1998 for instance then your would work out those numbers - 2 + 2 (Feb 2nd month) + 1 + 9 + 9 +8 = 31 take the 31 down to a single digit 3 + 1 = 4 so your birth number is would be 4 and this can tell you a lot about yourself in the different aspects of your life.
Angel numbers are part of numerology, but refer to a sequence of numbers rather than a single digit such as 111 or 777. They vary between 000-999. Each of these numbers has its own distinct meaning and when we keep seeing the same number over and over, it is always a good idea to check out its meaning. Not only do the confirm already existing suspicions about our life, but can also be very empowering to us.
For instance 444 is the phoenix energy number, when we see this all the time, it means there are changes afoot, this can be changes to a job, family or even a house move. Sometimes those changes are also challenges, so keep a look out! If you see a lot of 777, this relates to us as a person rather than work, relationships and changes. So take time out to focus on your own needs and desires when 777 starts to appear around you.
When we see these number patterns and signs, we know we are being guided by a higher realm, whether for you that is your ancestors, gods & goddesses or the angels, it doesn’t matter who you believe it is, just that you believe.
Have fun researching your birth number and any other numbers you see on a regular basis.
Louise x