Thursday Thoughts #06 -10th Oct 2024

Act as it what you do in the World makes a difference - Because it does!

Every little act and thought alters the energy of the Universe, so think about each time you think something negative about yourself or someone else, before you drop litter instead of placing it in the bin, before you ignore a passerby instead of looking straight at them and smiling.

Creating waves of kindness and happiness in the Universe don’t have to cost money, take up time or be all about others who you feel are better equipped or more able to create change. We are all capable of creating change not only for others, but for ourselves too.

Each little act that we do that creates a smile, happiness or love for someone else, increase the positive energy that rotates around like a boomerang and eventually comes back to us, the opposite of that of course is that we live in misery, always complaining we don’t have enough, always seeing the negative in our life, stressed that others have more than we do and - yes you guessed it - that negative energy also finds its way back to us.

Keep your thoughts and acts positive even in the hardest of times and your life will be happier.